
ほんのひと手間かけることで得するワザを紹介します!(by 税理士山條隆史)

Why not get a free ticket for your home leave by Frequent Flyer's Program of ANA / JAL? Point site supports you for it.

Are you a student from foreign county?  Are you a foreigner who married with a Japanese person by an international marriage?  How often return to your home country?

Imagine you are provided a free air ticket for home leave by a Frequent Flyer's Program, you can easily go to your home county at any time.


There is a way to obtain a free ticket by FFP even though your are not Frequent Flyer's Frequent Flyer's frequent flyer.  It is called a Land miler (陸マイラー in Japanese language).

Below steps helps you to accomplish to be a Land miler.  Why not join our 陸マイラー world?

Assuming that you can understand Japanese language when you visit Point site for registration, you should read carefully and join our 陸マイラー world.



To obtain mileages, you can opt several ways like below.


1. Save miles by flights.

This is a basic way to save flight miles.

2. The mile is saved by a credit card transaction.

Credit card company presents you a credit card points when monthly credit card transaction is settled. 0.5-1% of credit card transaction money would be a present points.  You can change credit card points into FFP miles.

3. Use point site.

1) Shopping via point site.

Point site helps you to obtain much points than direct shopping on shops.  Sometime you can get  points double or triplicated.

2) Get money on point site.

a) You can get much points if you are applying a new credit card issuance or FX account open etc.

b) You can earn small money by games etc with you fun when n you are available. 


1. Join FFP program

If you already have joined FFP, you can skip this step.

If not yet, register ANA Mileage Club or JAL Mileage Bank.

Although You can obtain a proper mileage card (without credit ), it is suggested to apply some credit card so that you can get credit card point as well.


ANA Mileage Club 

The best way to join ANA mileage Club at this moment would be register via My Friend Program.  You can obtain new member mile like below.


Details are ↓ ↓


When you use My Friend Program, you have to mention a reference name and number of the introducer.

Please fill in anme and munber as below.

Name「ヤマジョウ タカシ」、reference number「00019510」.Then you can get new member mile.


2. Join Point site

What is a Point site

A Point site have a roll to gather potential customers for their advertising clients on their site.

Clients pay fee for advertising once customer shops on their site via Point site.  Gift points by Points site is distributed to net users to gather a potential customers.

Point site provides information (what kind of attribute: men and women, the age, occupation and urban and rural prefectures  and how much percentage is for whether you reached the last sale is offered etc.,) to sponsors.

Registration on Point site

I would like to recommend to register on Hapitas first.

Hapitas is my favourite Point site now.

It is easy to resister and free of charge for the registration.


その買うを、もっとハッピーに。 | ハピタス

You need e-mail address for the registration.

The gender, occupation, residence prefecture, date of birth, mobile telephone number would be required for the register.

※You can get 30Pt of bonus if you register above banner.


3. You can save points by shopping via point site.

When you purchase electric equipment from Bic Camera, you should reach Bic Camera site via Point site, rather than directly to Bic Camera site, you can obtain additional point (2.7% as of 27 Feb 2018) together with original Bic Camera point (10% or so).  Why don't you go through a point site?



4. You can save points by gaming etc.

Enjoy Games!





5. Exchange points with other sites.

It's possible to exchange a collected point for other point sites at the following route and exchange it for e-cash.


                                 Q&S As of 12 Feb 2018

 6. You can register other sites.


You should register one company first, and if you become familiar with point site, you can register additional one so that to be utilise as profitable as possible!

  (As of 12 feb 2018)

Name of service honto (Book) Kakuyasu (Liquor shop) Bic Camera Value
ハピタス 2.2%+宝くじ交換券1枚 1% 0.6→1.8%+宝くじ交換券5枚  
ちょびリッチ 1% 1%+税込2,500円以上の初回購入はさらに300ポイント 1%→1.5% 他社の半分
GetMoney 1.5%(通常0.9%) 1% 2.5%(通常0.3%)  


なし 100円につき4P 他社の1/10



アンケートやゲーム参加で無料でマイルが貯まる! すぐ貯まるポイントサイト すぐたま 
